Together We Ascend: Cresto Group Honours Women Shaping Safety


On this International Women's Day, Cresto Group is inspired by the global theme of 'Inspire Inclusion', reflecting on the invaluable contributions of women who stand at the forefront of the safety and rescue industry. It's with immense pride that we showcase the stories of some of the amazing women who help shape our organisation - each a vital part of our collective journey towards an inclusive future.


Cresto Safety Instructor


Delia Donici

Instructor, Cresto Safety

Delia has translated her passion for climbing into a career focused on enhancing safety standards. Her dedication to teaching and improving safety is rooted in a personal connection to the work.

Delia’s Achievement: Her distinction as an independent SPRAT rope access instructor underscores her exceptional role in an industry eager for such trailblazers.

"Trust yourself! Trust your skills and don't ever feel powerless… Never stop learning, training, and improving yourself."



Cresto Safety Instructor

Sophie Gilruth

Office Administrator, Abtech Safety

Sophie's career at Abtech Safety is marked by a stellar trajectory from servicing and assembly to sales and office administration. Her versatility in embracing various roles showcases her unmatched adaptability and profound knowledge of the industry.

Sophie’s Tenacity: Facing presumptions head-on, she’s proven time and again that her technical prowess knows no bounds and can divulge technical advice with authority and expertise.

"Work hard - It's always our time to shine... The number of women in industry increases every single day and we should strive to make an equal workforce in years to come!"



Cresto Safety Instructor


Else Haslestad

Course Instructor, AAK Safety

Else’s motivation springs from the desire to enhance workplace safety through knowledge, altering attitudes, and comprehending the risks within the industry.

Else’s Approach: With patience and a fact-based methodology, she tackles the challenges of teaching within a male-dominated field, her smile as potent as her expertise.

"It can be challenging and downright tough being a woman in a male-dominated profession. One can be met with scepticism… What inspires me are the people, and how we work together to change attitudes."




Cresto Safety Instructor


Marie Hessler

Marketing Manager, Cresto Group Sweden

Marie's prowess in marketing and communication strategies reflects her visionary leadership, setting a high bar at Cresto Group Sweden.

Marie’s Milestone: Building an international communication strategy from scratch.

"Believe in yourself and what you can do!"


Cresto Safety Instructor


Sally Love

Business Manager, Abtech Safety / Outreach Rescue

With nearly two decades at Abtech Safety, Sally's journey is a narrative of evolution—from supporting her family’s business to becoming a symbol of dedication and professional excellence.

Sally's Triumph: Achieving her NEBOSH certification and IOSH membership stands as a testament to her unwavering commitment to the industry.

"My advice to aspiring women in our field is to immerse themselves in the intricacies of safety standards, legislation, and equipment. Understanding the details and actively engaging with the practical aspects of the job."


Cresto Safety Instructor


Amy Jones

Office Manager, Outreach Rescue

Amy is the embodiment of consistent commitment—her daily contributions are instrumental in driving the team forward, underscoring the profound impact of collective support.

Amy's Accomplishment: Her dedication to the work and her ongoing contributions are her badge of honour, highlighting the power of commitment.

"I feel I work with a great team of women and men who are supportive and encouraging. Don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way."



Cresto Safety Instructor


Sarah Jones

Course Administrator, Outreach Rescue

Sarah plays a crucial part in empowering organisations to make a difference during critical moments. She champions the power of teamwork in overcoming industry challenges.

Sarah's Skills: Her diverse set of skills has not only propelled her professional growth but has also fortified the organization’s mission to save lives.

"Believe in your abilities and don't be afraid to assert yourself. Speak up, share your ideas, and contribute to discussions."



Together, We Soar

These women’s narratives are interwoven with innovation, expertise, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. They are not only ascending their career ladders but also lifting the industry to new horizons of diversity and skill.

An Inclusive Future

These trailblazing women at Cresto Group embody the progress we strive to see in the safety and rescue industry. Their stories of overcoming challenges, achieving remarkable milestones, and continuously advocating for equality remind us why we celebrate International Women's Day: to recognise the unstoppable force of women who inspire inclusion every single day.

We are not just recognising their contributions; we are echoing their call to action. Together, we continue to break barriers, challenge stereotypes, and foster a culture that welcomes everyone's voice and harnesses everyone's strength.

To all women working towards a prosperous future as part of Cresto Group - your resilience, expertise, and passion are the lifelines that will lead us into a more inclusive and safer tomorrow. Thank you for climbing the career ladder with us and for inspiring us to reach even greater heights.

Happy International Women's Day to all, and here's to the women who make us stronger, safer, and better, every day.

Business areas

Business areas

Five market leaders have joined forces in one shared mission - to protect height workers with height safety and rescue solutions, when and where it is needed the most.

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Business areas



We have deliberately built our organisation around fully independent subsidiaries, something we label as “small-scale enterprise on a large scale”.

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Our history

Our history

Deacades of experience within safety & rescue solutions.

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Our history